Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Ten Thoughts Tuesday

I used to look forward to reading my friend Diana H’s Ten Thoughts Tuesday. I haven’t seen her online for a long, long time and wish her well. Anyway, here’s my contribution if I can get my thoughts together.

One: Typical! The weather is supposed to get better next week when I'm not here. I’ve heard people on the internet saying that autumn is coming. We’re in the middle of yet another heat wave, where it’s advisable to curb outdoor activities between 12 and 6 pm. Even the old Spanish saying of feeling the cold on your face in August hasn’t happened yet.

Two: My friends and I are always laughing that I only have one channel on my telly. I’m not a couch potato when it comes to television. Yesterday, for some reason, my ‘one’ channel and its affiliates went off the air. It finally re-appeared. I’m one of those who still believe analog TV was better. At least you could blame it on the antena.

Three: Don’t you hate it when you’re out and someone calls your house phone and doesn’t leave a message? Oh well, probably a telemarketer.

Four: I’m missing going to see how my little cat friend Sami is doing. One of her humans has come back from holidays. I’m sure she’s relieved. She seemed more depressed than usual and that’s that my friend’s brother-in-law is staying there.

Five: I’m constantly reminded of how different my friends and I are in just about everything. I suppose the one thing we agree on is the Chinese restaurant that we usually go to and not because it has the best food.

Six: I hope this will be my only negative thought for the day if I don’t count number one. My neighbour, who has to be one of the most irritating persons on earth, said yesterday that she was going to miss me when I go on holiday. I don’t enjoy being a nasty person, but I just couldn’t say the same to her. I’m actually counting the hours! I need some rest from her yada yada!

 Seven: Yesterday in one of the multiply groups someone posted  a ‘liar, liar pants on fire’ picture of a pair of underwear in flames. When was the last time you used this expression?

Eight: Speaking of multiply, I never saw a message stating that multiply had released the source for the blogging part. I only saw (in the group with the pants on fire) a poll for naming a new site.

Nine: I’m really looking forward to trying out some of the recipes I’ve collected from the facebook cooking group and the many FREE cookbooks I’ve got on my Kindle from another group. One of the recipes I’ll definitely try this Seprember is called ‘Cheater’s Lasagna'.

Ten: My photo for this post is what I do with overly-ripe fruit like bananas in the summer. With the heat, the fruit which can’t go in the fridge seems to ripen too quickly as opposed to the winter when I’m wondering when the bananas are going to go soft so I can make banana nut bread. I call this berry banana smoothie. I put in some frozen raspberries, a strawberry yoghurt, some milk and the bananas. Smoothies are great because they’re good with just about anything you put in them.

So this is my Ten Thoughts for today. I didn’t intend for the post to be so long. I doubt that I’ll have much time to write anything more for a while though. Hope everyone is having a good week.

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Starting Again

I'm a Y360 survivor. Then when it closed, I found another site that I loved until recently when we were told multiply was closing its doors to bloggers and becoming exclusively an online shop. I'm continuing with the screen name I used for almost 5 years there. It's the same avatar I use on Stumble Upon although I don't go there much any more.

I've just read one of Terri's blogs about senior pictures. Yes, they sure have changed. Here I am in my senior pic. Oh, I remember going to bed with curlers that hurt my head and kept me awake most of the night, then having to get up early so my sister could tease and style my hair. Now I know why I'm not too keen on going to the hairdresser's, and my hair's getting a bit long for my liking.