Sunday, 28 October 2012

25 Hours

This is the weekend that we change the clocks back, at least in western Europe. The light woke me up at 7.30 a.m. but don't think I got up. I only get up that early on Sunday when I have to. I suppose it's nice having an extra hour though I really wish they would just leave the clocks alone.

I have yet to turn on the TV or radio this weekend (that's normal for me), and so haven't heard if the 'frankenstorm' has hit the eastern US. Last night the wind was blowing hard and the temperature in my house went down. I think it must be time to put the continental quilt on the bed. If I lived in Siberia, I'd probably want some other type of heating at night. Since I don't, I prefer to sleep under a nice warm quilt. I've done quite a bit of cooking this weekend, and that's helped heat up my small flat. One of my friends gave me lots of apples and some pumpkin from her village. I've cooked the pumpkin for soup and maybe a pumpkin pie; the apples I've used to make crock pot apple butter. I've used the recipe I had posted on Multiply, and thought I'd post it here on my recipe page when I get the time. I know Kris likes crock pot recipes and uses her crock pot quite a bit. I know I love mine.

It's my friend Chris's birthday on Halloween. We'll be celebrating that in an Indian restaurant. That reminds me that I need to phone a couple of friends to ask if they're going. One of them, however, is long-winded and usually has me on the phone for an hour. There goes my extra hour! The next birthday is mine, and, although I'd like to celebrate it in my favourite Mexican, the restaurant is always booked for a Thanksgiving dinner by some women's club. I've changed venues with another friend, so mine will be in a Greek.

Hope everyone has a good week. Thursday is a holiday (All Saints' Day, hence Halloween). At least one of my students is taking off 4 days.

Almost forgot! I'm sharing the bread I made in a photo, of course. I found this 1933 recipe in one of my cookbooks. I'm thinking I want a new camera for my birthday as my old one no longer works so well. 


  1. Hi Brenda! Our clocks change next weekend. I'm with you - I wish they would just leave them alone, one way or the other. Your bread looks yummy! Joe loves apple butter. I'll need to look for your recipe and give it a try. I like using my crock pot, too, and should use it more than I do. It's nice that All Soul's Day is a holiday there. I think Catholics are the only ones who take notice of it here. Have fun celebrating your friend's birthday!!

  2. Terri and anyone else interested, I've just posted the recipe for apple butter - my first recipe on blogger!

  3. I don't have a special quilt but have an afghan my mother made. It's like being wrapped in a little bit of a hug from her when I use it. ( I know...I can be such a sentimental mess.) I'll join the group that wishes they would just leave the time alone. It's hard to adjust to the changes always, and just inconvenient to go back and forth. Hope you enjoy your birthday out with your friends. Off to see your recipe on blogger... - Mimi.

  4. I have a special quilt made from my mother's housedresses that you might have seen on multiply, Mimi. It's one of my prized possessions too.

  5. the bread looks good. I've not made bread in a while and was thinking today its about time I got the bread making machine out again. I tend to make my bread in the winter and then not bother too much in the summer.I hate all this messin with the clocks, I just wishe they would decide what time it is and leave the clocks alone.
    hope you get the camera you want.

  6. The bread is actually what we Americans call biscuits, which are a little like scones. They're very quick and easy to make. Of course, the trick is not the handle the dough too much and they'll come out light and flaky.
