Sunday 23 March 2014

Changing History

The other day one of my friends who lives in Southern Spain posted this on Facebook, and added this comment: "Of course, I remember what I did yesterday!" This is what the vast majority of us in Spain do. If anyone I know has or uses a clothes dryer, I'm unaware of it. Lots hang their clothes out on covered terraces, but others of us have to dry our clothes inside on a clothes horse when it's raining, and we had plenty of rain (and snow) this winter. What is normal here is for everyone to have their own washing machine, even in the smallest apartments. However, laundromats are making a comeback, in Madrid at least. I can fit my quilts into my washing machine, but not everyone can, so the laundromats are very convenient for these people - cheaper than taking them to a dry-cleaner's too.

Here's the other history I'm trying to set straight.
This is the photo I shared last week, and which I said was my great-grandparents and my great-aunt Katie. It is a photo of my great-aunt Katie, her husband Arthur Bellamy and daughter Ida. I think my confusion came from the fact that my cousin only said this was a photo taken in about 1900, so I thought the child must be my great-aunt. Surely  the photo was taken at a later date than 1900 because of my great-aunt's birth date. Anyway, I'll be sharing more family history in photos and hope I get those right.

Here's a recipe that I want to share with you that I've made this weekend from a link that my friend kathyinozarks shared on Facebook. It's for lavender dusting cloths:

1) Take an old t-shirt and cut it into squares. Okay, here I cut mine into rectangles, but you get the idea.
2) Swish the rags around in a mixture of a cup of hot water, 2 tablespoons of olive oil and 10 to 20 drops of lavender essential oil.
3) Squeeze the rags out and hang until completely dry.
4) Store in a jar. You can add a few extra drops of essential oil if you like when you put the cloths in the jar. You could also use a different oil like lemon or orange to make your cloths.

When the cloths get too dirty, rinse in warm water with a bit of dish washing liquid. They can be used several times before they need re-treating.
They're great because you don't have to use other products like sprays. Maybe I'll enjoy dusting more. Ha, ha! My flat will smell wonderful though. 
Oh, I don't know if this is normal: the oils made lovely spot patterns on the cloths. It'll be interesting to see if they're still visible when dry. I have them drying at this moment.

What can I say about the weather except I'm glad I wore a light jacket on Friday afternoon even though it wasn't enough. I'd originally planned on just going out in short sleeves. When I went out it wasn't cold, but by the time I got home a cold wind had caused a big dip in temperatures. We still have a few weeks until we can expect to complain about the heat and I know I will be one of those complainers.

Next weekend I won't be happy either. That's when we have to 'spring forward'. I hope this is a happy week and everyone enjoys it.


1 comment:

  1. I am finally adjusting to our springing forward. Losing that hour is a tough one, though. I do remember the poles to hold the clothesline up. We had a dryer, when I was growing up, but Mom liked to hang out the clothes to dry, when the weather was good. I was tickled to see peoples undies hanging out windows, when we were in Italy. We were even at an outdoor cafe, having a bite to eat, and there were clothes drying above our heads! I am happy to not be hanging clothes out to dry now. Spoiled by my dryer.

    Wishing you a good week ahead, Brenda!
